Code of Conduct

The code of conduct has been created over time with the experiences and comments of users. To create a pleasant platform for all naturists, we have established some ground rules that we ask you to follow.  We support the INF-FNI's Mission and Vision in regards to naturism.


► Use your real  FIRST NAME, and a real picture of YOUR FACE. Nude Revolution is like a digital naturist resort. Wearing a mask at a resort would be weird, so keep it REAL in here too.
There will be a one week grace period to complete your profile.  Incomplete profiles will be deleted.

► Always be respectful and kind to others

► Contribute positively to the community; nobody appreciates serial complainers

► This community is a FRIEND ZONE, and will not be used as a dating app

► Refrain from making any comments on a person’s body or body parts (even compliments)

► There is a zero tolerance policy for body shaming or bullying. If you see or experience this behavior, please report it immediately

► Spamming, harassment, and pushing commercial products and services on group pages are never allowed and will be cause for removal from the platform; and

► WELCOME CONTENT on the Community and other group pages includes:

→ Personal experiences and celebrations;
→ Questions and helpful information about naturism, nudism and nude recreation;
→ Tips and tricks on places to visit or travel, information about local regulations and reviews on resorts;
→ Videos, photos, poetry and other art, either as original works or with all sources credited (protect artists’ rights!);
→ Photos of others are allowed with the subject’s consent;
→ Coordinating meetups within the community; and
→ By moderator approval, promotional announcements and events related to naturism.


► Photos are expected to convey the enjoyment and wholesomeness of naturism. This still means that on Nude Revolution the photo should have some kind of context that contributes to naturism of other members as well.

► Remember, the internet is unforgiving when it comes to interpreting images of children nude, so be mindful of this and be very selective about what you share.

► Photos that are not of you should never be saved or shared beyond this platform, because they are not yours.

► Do not make sexual posts or provocative posts, that is not what naturism is about.

► Selfies with only the context of “Look how nude I am in front of a mirror or in my bathroom” or equivalent, are not accepted and will be removed. The line between tasteful nude photos and pointless selfies can be thin, but always judged by the host’s or moderator's discretion.

► Don't post "dick pics", and dick-o-centric pics. People are here to enjoy being naked, not to see your penis.

► Post of any erections or semis are reasons for immediate removal of the account.


► General expectations still apply, with additional reminders

► Before you privately message someone, do they know who you are? Don’t be the stranger in the inbox

► Spamming, harassment, email campaigns and the pushing of commercial products and services are never allowed in private messaging

► Sending unsolicited pictures to other users is grounds for removal from the platform. If the NR member did not ask you for a photo, don’t send one

► No political or religious posts or divisive topics

► Child abuse and signs of pedophilia will be reported to the FBI without a warning. Any offending account will be deactivated and shared with law enforcement as evidence

► Please screen capture and report any offenses.


► Same community guidelines apply in Groups; and

► Group moderators are responsible for moderating these standards.


► Are you a commercial business in the naturism services, contact the moderator or host to discuss about creating a business page for you; and

► Interested in a resort or company? Join a Business page if you want to view their event updates, deals, and promotions.


When you observe a post that does not comply with the code of conduct, we would appreciate it if you report this through the reporting link that is available in the menu of each post or photo. Before you push this link, make a screenshot of the reportable misconduct as evidence to the moderators.

The moderators will act on the reported misconduct either by warning the user about the issue that was raised, or remove the user if the conduct is reason for immediate removal without refund of the subscription that is paid.
The Code of Conduct is clear about which items are reasons for immediate removal.


The Nude Revolution will never use your personal data for commercial activities, or sell your data to third party. Users should be aware that Mighty Network and Nude Revolution are regulated through USA law.

Protection through the European GDPR is limited by US Law in regard to prosecution and law enforcement by court.